Clean energy businesses should be spread throughout our nation, not just in the largest cities and power centers. Mosaic Power is proud to be headquartered in Frederick, Maryland to operate WHEN remotely from our office overlooking Carroll Creek. This is the community where we live, work, and play. Our economy has a brand-new chance for good paying, healthy jobs that create wealthier communities through the developing clean energy economy. Mosaic gets beyond talking about the potential of this economy and we’re putting our hearts into creating it for our own employees.
The Frederick County Office of Economic Development awarded Mosaic with its Best Place to Work Award as the best Small Employer to work for here in Frederick County. Mosaic is focused on making good things happen and harnessing the creative productivity of our employees. We know that people work best when they are both able to and want to put their mind’s full
energy into their job. We offer flexible hours and living wages to employees while supporting the need for time with family and physical activity.
The “Best Places to Work Campaign” describes itself as a “county wide program to increase quality of life opportunities for Frederick County employees.